Sunday, 27 January 2013

Step 8 Colin's Cajon Ready For A Road Test

Well. Here is the "so close" to final product. I ended up adding screws to the top section of the tapa as it was sounding "too clicky" without them.
I have some more sanding to do but our living room was getting too dusty so I promised my wife I would clear out and finish off in the garage in spring, when I can also stain and varnish with the windows open.

Here is a video of me giving it a quick test drive:

Here is the front end

And here is the floor again, all vacuumed and toys put away..

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Step 7 Screwing the tapa on Colin's cajon

Well, another important stage, the screwing of the tapa.
Before I started, I had to shave down one edge side of the tapa. Still not totally flush but I wanted to have it close to done before I started measuring screw positions.
I had to learn how to drill pilot holes and counter sink. Found some good instructions on the internet on how to do it with a drill bit the size of the screw head,  and did some test holes with scraps I had around. 
My first hole was not perfect, a small piece of the tapa about 2cms x 2cms split off, but I switched drill bits and had no problems. Working very slowly, switching drill bits, holding the drill as straight as possible, vacuuming out the holes before I secured each screw in, I was able to accomplish the task with minimal stress and curse words.
Not sure where I picked this up, I must have read it somewhere, but I got the idea to save all the tiny scraps from the holes, and the dust from the sanding of the tapa, and placed in  a small pill bottle. Might come in handy if I need to fix any dings, (or that small split from my first hole).
I left each side of the top half without screws, this mirrors the Schalagwerk instructions for securing the tapa. If I need more screws on the top I can add them later. 

Hey, its ready for a test drive next Monday with my jam friends in Nanaimo!

Measuring the positioning of the screws:  

Slow sanding of the tapa:

Saving tapa bits:

Four corner screws in:

Monday, 14 January 2013

Step 6 Gluing the back and bottom of Colin's cajon

Today I glued the back and bottom piece for my instrument.
All nicely clamped and so both will be ready for the next step which will be the final sanding and screwing down of the tapa for both cajons.

I will take a sample of a screw that came with the kit to my local hardware store so I can replicate for my cajon. Brass would look good!


Glued just fine

Back view (beautiful round hole!)

Two babies side by side and ready for screwing the tapas..

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Step 6 Gluing front and back of Schlagwerk kit

So today I made the box look like a cajon.

The front (tapa) is attached with glue on the bottom, and 2/3rds up the sides. This is because the top 1/3 will be secured with screws.

The screws will allow one to loosen or tighten the top playing area of the tapa which had the snares on the reverse side. This will allow you to tweak the sound.

The reverse piece with the sound hole is just glued on all sides.

The Schlagwerk instructions called for using a wood weight to ensure the glue adhered evenly so I found some old planks in the garage I could use. Not elegant but it serves the purpose. I could have used Encyclopaedia Britannica's too, but I got rid of my set years ago... 

Here is the inside of the cajon kit with the snares in place, just before I glued the back on.

Hey, starting to look like a cajon! Back view..

Front view. I now need to trim the excess overhang, the instructions in the kit explain the best ways of doing this.

Step 5 - holes fixed!

With lots of help, I was able to recover from my holy disasters.

Duncan re-cut the hole on my cherry plywood back for my cajon with a jig saw.

Using a dremel sander and taking it really slow I managed to get the Schlagwerk kit back piece to sport a reasonably round hole.

I am now satisfied so I can move on to the final steps.

Here is my cajon with Duncan's new hole,. with the back temporarily in place. 

Here is the Schlagwerk kit back with the hole sanded. Its not perfectly round but good enough for me, and who will know its not perfect, except me (and you..)

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Step 4 Schlagwerk snares

Well, a good day today too.

I glued the snares to the frame, and also started sanding out my mistakes from cutting the back hole.

Not perfect yet but I am encouraged with the progress.  After trying hand sanding, and metal rasps I have zero'ed in on the Dremel with a sand bit and its working out well.

I am intentionally doing the sanding in small doses, putting it aside after a minute of sanding and coming back a few minutes later and eye balling the next part to sand off, so I don't get tempted to rush it in one sitting.

Not a perfect hole but better, and I am sure it will get to a stage where I can glue the back on.. maybe tomorrow....

Step 3 Schlagwerk Kit side supports

Pressing on after a disappointing day yesterday with the holes, I screwed the snares onto their triangular bases and glued the supports for them onto the front. Joins are flush so minimal sanding required before I put on the front and backs. Tomorrow.,..

Step 2 The sound holes on both cajons

Well, I knew the sound holes would be my biggest challenge and they were.

I have never cut a hole in my life and did not have the right tools and bits but, hey, this was a learning project and this is where the learning begins.

I did have a little used Dremel tool, so for the Schlegwerk kit I used a Dremel circle cutter. The Schlegwerk wood was thinner than my cajon 3/4 inch, and it actually cut easily..but..... I somehow jiggled the cutter tool a bit and so it was definitely not a perfect clean cut as you can see from the picture below.

However, I have vowed not to get dis-illusioned since one must make mistakes to learn and I am sure I can fix the issues with some sanding.  I hope I can fix the issues at least.  I will fix them, right?
As for my cajon hole, it was well, not a disaster but perhaps close to it.

I definitely should not have attempted this with a dremel.  You can see the results in the picture below.. and no sarcastic comments please. 

So, its off to my friend Duncan later this week for advice on how to correct it.  I am sure he has a magic tool that he can wave over the top and make it nice again.. I am sure...

Worse case, I buy a small piece of ply and start again..

I used a CD for a template...

The off-kilter hole.. but don't panic! 

More serious  and ugly, but don't fret.. I am sure it will be recoverable.

Ok, go on, say it.. bloody amateur

Step 1 Schlagwerk cajon - gluing sides, top and bottom

OK, so after the successful first glue on my cajon, I start the Schlagwerk cajon.

Note two extra tools on the floor, a rubber mallet so I can tap the pre-cut sides into the grooves on the top and bottom but which I did not use, and the Apple ipad, which had the pdf of english language instructions (since the kit only came with German instructions)which I did use.

The kit instructions were excellent, well written, clear and with great diagrams and pictures for a beginner like me to follow.

Below are pictures of the pre-gluing and final checking of sides and fit and then the actual gluing.


If I got glue on my wife's iPad, it would be an expensive experiment in cajon-building.

And its done!

View from on top, I did use the triangles and squares to check angles and was very pleased, the pre-cut grooves allowed for an almost fool-proof alignment.  

Just a bit of sanding to do as part of final touchups before staining.

I am happy with the "flush-ness" (is that a word?) of it.

Why you need a sponge and water, you can see the seepage happening.

I had to watch it periodically and clean up the glue that continued to drip down. Next time...raise the box on blocks so I can continue to wipe the bottom corners.

And hey! Sides, top, bottom all together. I am happy with the ease and quaility of the joins.  So far, so good..

Another corner to be sanded...

Step 1 Colin's cajon - gluing sides and top

My first gluing experience ever!  With some clamps borrowed from my friend Duncan, and working on the living room floor.  (don't try this at home folks, unless your spouse or partner gives you express permission,  and definitely not if you have kids or grand-kids or dogs or cats or are expecting friends or family over who will want to give you advice on how not to do this)

Phase one was for the two sides, and the top to be glued first.

I spent a lot of time theorizing and test clamping with the back and bottom included before taking the plunge. I was pretty pleased with how relatively clean the joins would end up being, thanks to Duncan's skill with the table saw.

I enlisted my wife as chief side holder and overall observer of gaps and mis-alignments.

We made sure that we picked good sides to show out, and also to ensure that the word "cherry" that the store had written on the edge of the plywood, would be covered by the tapa.

I used Gorilla glue, because I had it on the shelf from another project, and was quite happy with the way it squeezed out.  I guess I will only know after playing the cajon for a while, if the bond is sound.  

So we did the gluing which did not take a lot of time, and then went out for the afternoon to watch the latest James Bond movie, while it bonded. (sorry for the pun)  On return it had hardened really nicely.

To keep the sides as perpendicular as possible, I left in the bottom piece un-glued and tied together the clamps on either side. I think it worked but will only find out when get to glue the bottom and sides.

Standing on its own, upside down, with the back and bottom ready for gluing.  Pretty happy so far!

Colin's Cajon "kit"

So here is my Cajon "kit"

I spent a while in various DIY stores like Home Depot and Home Hardware but ended up buying the wood from a local company, Windsor Plywood, that was located just down the road from my home. 

And what a wonderful store to walk around in, apart from the regular woods and grades they sell some very exotic lumber. 

Lots of fun just walking around and touching and smelling the wood scents..

From everything I read on the Internet, plywood was the preferred choice and thicker the better. So I zero'ed in on 3/4inch Cherry plywood since it had a beautiful smooth finish.
And.. lo and behold, wandering the store, tucked away in one corner were a few mahogany guitar back pieces.. perfect for a tapa. 

I reasoned it would just like me keeping beat by tapping on the back of my Taylor

The cherry was a 4x2 piece (about $40 cdn)  and my friend Duncan actually cut it for me since he is a professional and  has a table saw. I did not want to attempt to cut it by hand or with my skil saw which is all I have.

Below is my plan and instructions to myself!  It took me about 10 attempts of drawing and trying to do front and side views before I finally got the right dimensions.  Just a box.. right. 
I am glad I took the time and checked and re-checked my measurements so that there were no dis-appointments when we cut the wood.

I can't wait to tap on this tapa!

I am sure I over-bought for the tapa, but I could not resist...

The Schlagwerk CB2 kit

Here is the Schlagwerk CB2 Kit out of the box with all the pieces and components. 

The top of the box will explain the difference between the CBA 1 and CBA2 kit. The quality of the wood and parts would be exactly the same in both kits.

My first impression on bringing the box home from the post office was that it was much lighter than my version.  I am using 3/4inch cherry plywood, the CBA uses 1/2 inch birch.  The Schlagwerk tapa is about the same thickness as mine.