Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Step 2 The sound holes on both cajons

Well, I knew the sound holes would be my biggest challenge and they were.

I have never cut a hole in my life and did not have the right tools and bits but, hey, this was a learning project and this is where the learning begins.

I did have a little used Dremel tool, so for the Schlegwerk kit I used a Dremel circle cutter. The Schlegwerk wood was thinner than my cajon 3/4 inch, and it actually cut easily..but..... I somehow jiggled the cutter tool a bit and so it was definitely not a perfect clean cut as you can see from the picture below.

However, I have vowed not to get dis-illusioned since one must make mistakes to learn and I am sure I can fix the issues with some sanding.  I hope I can fix the issues at least.  I will fix them, right?
As for my cajon hole, it was well, not a disaster but perhaps close to it.

I definitely should not have attempted this with a dremel.  You can see the results in the picture below.. and no sarcastic comments please. 

So, its off to my friend Duncan later this week for advice on how to correct it.  I am sure he has a magic tool that he can wave over the top and make it nice again.. I am sure...

Worse case, I buy a small piece of ply and start again..

I used a CD for a template...

The off-kilter hole.. but don't panic! 

More serious  and ugly, but don't fret.. I am sure it will be recoverable.

Ok, go on, say it.. bloody amateur

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